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Colour Experience


About Colour Experience

COLOUR EXPERIENCE has been born out of common interests of La MAESTRIA and the Colour Psychology team headed by Prof. Christine Mohr at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. After several encounters and exchanges with the public, we realized how important and urgent it is to share empirically-based knowledge on the subjective experience of colour. The current collaboration unifies competences from academic, scientific, artistic and communication fields to valorize the scientific approach to understand how colour affects us.

We aim to contribute our experiences by creating a public platform on which recent findings, projects, and services can be communicated. This platform represents an online interface on which interested people can find information, participate in psychological research on colour, ask questions, look for potential services (seminars for the general public, training of professionals working with colour), or ask for collaborations.

COLOUR EXPERIENCE will exclusively focus on how colours are experienced and how such experiences interact with our behaviour. Our major approach is based on results gathered from scientifically controlled studies. We wish to provide knowledge on evidence-based studies testing the manifold questions and assumptions we can regularly encounter in the scientific and popular literature.




Colour Experience
Lausanne, Switzerland

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Colors are forces, radiant energies that affect us positively or negatively whether we are aware of it or not.
— Johannes Itten


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