
Sharing our research with the public.


Jonauskaite, D. (2022). The Psychology of Colours: Linking Colours to Emotions. Farbe Licht Raum. Listen here.

Jonauskaite, D., Epicoco, D. & Mohr, C. (2021). The International Colour-Emotion Association Survey: Open data and first results revealing universality. Opening Affective Science pre-conference at the 8th Annual Society for Affective Sciences Conference. Listen here.

Epicoco, D., Mohr, C., & Jonauskaite, D. (2021). Why do you favour this colour? Reasons for and associations with favourite and least favourite colours. 8th Annual Society for Affective Sciences Conference. Listen here.

Jonauskaite, D., Müller, L., & Mohr, C. (2021). Emotion perception and colour associations in A. Henrion’s self-portraits. 8th Annual Society for Affective Sciences Conference. Listen here.


Chrsitne Mohr, Domicele Jonauskaite and Déborah Epicoco in UNIL Capsule Videos - Colour Psychology. (2024). Watch here.

Christine Mohr in Perspectives. (2023). Directed by Sean Fee. Watch here.

Our Interviews & Podcasts


Red with anger or feeling blue? The link between color and emotion, with Domicele Jonauskaite, PhD. Speaking of Psychology, APA podcast. Listen here.

Why does red mean stop? Shot & Chaser. Listen here.

Domicele Jonauskaite - Colour and emotion. Sense(less) Conversations. Listen here.


Beeinflussen Farben unsere Gefühle? Servus TV. Listen here.

Wieso wir für einen One-Night-Stand Rot tragen. Der Standard. Read here.

Farben und Gefühle. SRF. Listen here.

Gelb löst Freude aus: Wie Kultur und Herkunft die Farbwahrnehmung prägen. SWR2. Listen here.

Farben und Gefühle. Radio Eins. Listen here.

Farben voller Gefühl. Deutschland radio. Listen here.


Combien y a-t-il de couleur dans le monde ? RTS, Le point J. Listen here.

Pourquoi le violet est la couleur des féministes ? RTS, Le point J. Listen here.

Couleurs et émotions. Tribu, RTS, La Première. Listen here.

Les Couleurs. Brouhaha, RTS la Première. Listen here.

Notre couleur préférée révèle-t-elle notre personnalité ? Uniscope Campus Magazine. Read here.

Les rencontres de l'Anthropos Café, Christine Mohr et Nicolas Poinsot. UNILTV. Listen here.

L’influence des couleurs sur notre quotidien. On en parle, Avis d’Experts, RTS. Listen here.


Tuzinas. Pažintis su Šveicarijoje dirbančia spalvų tyrinėtoja Domicele Jonauskaite - ar cepelininis dangus iš tiesų veikia mūsų emocijas? LRT (radio). Listen here.

Lietuvė tiria spalvų paslaptis. Stilius+ (in print, available on request)

Kosmoso departamentas. Kaip mus veikia spalvos? LRT Klasika (radio). Listen here.

Gyvenimas pilkas, ir kostiumas pilkas, ir pilkas vidinis pasaulis: Ką apie jus pasako dėvimų drabužių spalva. Delfi. Read here.

Spalvų mokslininkė D. Jonauskaite: Mano spintoje juodų drabužių nėra. Kauno Diena (in print). Read here.

Spalva - universali kalba. Psichologija Tau (in print). Read here.

Lietuvė tyrinėja emocijų ir spalvų sąsajas: kodėl raudonai apsirengusi moteris atrodo patrauklesnė.15min.lt. Read here.

Articles in Psychology Today

Our articles in the Color Psychology blog in Psychology Today

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2023). Ghosts Are White for a Reason and So Are Barn Owls. Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2022). Red Is Associated with Love, but Do We Actually Feel It? Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2022). Associations Between Colors and Emotions Are Universal. Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2022). Does Your Favorite Color Tell People Something About Who You Are? Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2021). What Do You Associate With “Royal Berry” or “Vanilla Scoop”? Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2020). What Makes Red the Color of Christmas? Diverse explanations exist for this holiday favorite. Psychology Today. Read here.

Mohr, C. & Jonauskaite, D. (2020). Can Colors Make You Feel Better? A skeptical look at “chromotherapy”. Psychology Today. Read here.

Articles in popular media



How Veuve Clicquot, Louboutin and the Luxury World Fight to Protect Their Colors. Robb Report. Read here.

The Psychology of Colour. Mosaic (in-print only, available on demand)


Une thèse haute en couleurs. Allez Savoir ! Read here.



Pourquoi la Grève féministe se drape-t-elle de violet ? 24 Heures. Read here.


IN english

Novel interactive technology boosts people’s enjoyment with artworks. Media portal of the University of Vienna. Read here.

How colours affect the way you think. BBC. Read here.

Why your favourite colour is probably blue. BBC. Read here.


Digitale Interaktion steigert Freude an Kunst. ORF. Read here.

Nouvelle technologie interactive pour mieux apprécier les œuvres d'art. L’actu de l’Université de Lausanne. Read here.

Digitaler Kunstgenuss steigert die Freude am Werk. Wiener Zeitung. Read here.

Digitale Interaktion mit Werken steigert Freude an Kunst. Austria Presse Agentur. Read here.

Interaktives Angebot Kunst digital gucken macht mehr Spaß. Deutschlandfunk Nova. Read here.

Reine Schönfärberei. Was Farben in uns auslösen. Süddeutsche Zeitung. Read here.

Die Ohnmacht der Farben. Swiss Journal NZZ. Read here.

Notre couleur préférée… ne révèle rien sur nous. La Presse Canada. Read here.


in english

Color Me Happy. Psychology Today (in print)

Is the Sun More Fun in Egypt or Finland? Psychology Today. Read here.

in other languages

Les couleurs pour soigner : une thérapie efficace ? Cellule de Recherche et de Publications Scientifiques. Read here.


in English

Seeing red or feeling blue? People around the world make similar associations between colours and emotions. British Psychological Society Research Digest. Read here.

This study just discovered a global emotional language. The Ladders. Read here.

Color-Emotion Connections Often Cross Borders and Cultures, Study Finds. Very Well Mind. Read here.

Revealing the psychology of colour to be a rainbow rollercoaster of emotion. Science Focus. Read here.

Do People Everywhere Feel Blue and Turn Green with Envy? Psychology Today. Read here.

Color Reaches Deep Within Our Unconscious. Psychology Today. Read here.

Colors and the emotions people associate them with are similar around the world. PsychNews Daily. Read here.

Sadness Is Purple in Greece, White in China: How People Associate Colors With Emotions Around the World. Technology Networks. Read here.

Colors evoke similar feelings around the world. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Communication and Press. Read here.

in Other languages

Rouge, vert, bleu… : comment sont perçues les couleurs à travers le monde. Le Monde. Read here.

Les couleurs suscitent des sentiments similaires partout. Swiss Info. Read here.

Les couleurs suscitent des sentiments similaires dans le monde entier. UNIL News. Read here.

Studie: Farben wecken überall ähnliche Gefühle. Swiss Info. Read here.

Farben wecken überall ähnliche Gefühle. ORT.AT Read here.

Le associazioni tra colori ed emozioni sono simili in tutto il mondo! Psicologia Roma. Read here.

Люди 30 национальностей связали цвета с одинаковыми эмоциями. N+1. Read here.

Värvid tekitavad kõigis maailma inimestes sarnaseid tundeid. Novaator. Read here.

Mari Uusküla: värvinimed köitsid mind juba lapsepõlves. Tallinn University News. Read here.


in English

What makes people happy when skies are gray? The color yellow. Science Magazine. Read here.

Researchers can guess where you’re from by how colors make you feel. Science Magazine. Read here.

The international language of COLOURS: Humans around the world associate red with love and anger while black universally means sadness, study finds. The Daily Mail Online. Read here.

High-powered computer sees red. University of Auckland News. Read here.

in Other languages

A cor amarela é sinônimo de felicidade? Depende de onde você nasceu. Super Interessante. Read here.

Gelb steht für Freude –aber nicht überall. Deutschlandfunk Nova. Read here.

Il colore delle emozioni. Focus Science. Read here.

Deux articles explorent les liens entre couleurs et emotions. L’Actu. Read here.

Желтый цвет больше всего радует финнов. Polit.ru Pro Science. Read here.

Erinevates riikides seostub kollane värv erinevate emotsioonidega. Novatoor. Read here.

Aan zijn kleur herken je de mens. De Standaard. Read here.

Ist Trauer Schwarz oder Weiß?: Studie zu Farben und Gefühlen. Welt. Read here.

Ser du rødt? Eller føler du deg blå? Nå har forskere sett på hva folk fra ulike land føler når de ser forskjellige farger. Forskning.no. Read here.

Bei "Weiß" denken Chinesen an Trauer. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Communication and Press. Read here.

Changer les couleurs pour améliorer son bien-être? eSSPace recherche. Read here.


in English

Blue Is For Boys AND Girls. What your favourite color reveals about your ideas about gender. Psychology Today. Read here.

in Other languages

Une chercheuse de l’Unil obtient un subside Doc.CH pour sa these. News UNIL. Read here.