
Sharing our research in academia.


Academic Articles & Book Chapters


In press

Jonauskaite, D., Spagnulo, G. F. M., Epicoco, D., & Mohr, C. (in press). Beware! Colour and emotion correspondences are rarely about feelings. In C. P. Biggam, D. Jonauskaite, D. Mylonas, & M. Uusküla (Eds.), Progress in Colour Studies (forthcoming). John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Jonauskaite, D., & Mohr, C. (2025). Do we feel colours? A systematic review of 128 years of psychological research linking colours and emotions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Gierlinger, N., Geiger, K., Busse, C., Frick, A., Mohr, C., & Leder, H. (2025). Non-visual colour: A qualitative study of how the totally blind and an achromatope navigate colour in the sighted world. Acta Psychologica, 253, 104682. (full text)


Epicoco, D., Jonauskaite, D., Mohr, C., & Parraga, C. A. (2024). Can we estimate which colours our participants see? Comparing results from different gamma correction methods. iPerception, 15(5), 1–25. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D. (2024). Lithuanian Conceptual Colour–Emotion Associations in the Global Context of 37 Nations. Psichologija, 70, 8-23. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Epicoco, D., Al-rasheed, A. S., Benzon Aruta, J. J., Bogushevskaya, V., Brederoo, S., Corona, V., Fomins, S., Gizdic, A., Griber, Y. A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., John, G., Jopp, D. S., Karlsson, B. S. A., Konstantinou, N., Laurent, E., Marquardt, L., Mefoh, P., … Mohr, C. (2024). A comparative analysis of colour-emotion associations in 16-88-year-old adults from 31 countries. British Journal of Psychology, 115, 275-305. (full text)

Epicoco, D., Mohr, C., Uusküla, M., Quiblier, M., Bouayed Meziane, M. K., Laurent, E., Spagnulo, G., & Jonauskaite, D. (2024). The PURPLE mystery – Semantic meaning of three PURPLE terms in French speakers in France, Switzerland, and Algeria. Color Research & Application, 49, 93-112. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., & Thorstenson, C. A. (2024). Special collection: Color and emotion. Color Research & Application, 49(2), 218-221. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Dael, N., Baboulaz, L., Chèvre, L., Cierny, I., Ducimetière, N., Fekete, A., Gabioud, P., Leder, H., Vetterli, M., & Mohr, C. (2024). Interactive Digital Engagement With Visual Artworks and Cultural Artefacts Enhances User Aesthetic Experiences in the Laboratory and Museum. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 40(6), 1369-1382. (full text)


Weijs, M. L.^, Jonauskaite, D.^, Reutimann, R., Mohr, C., & Lenggenhager, B. (2023). Effects of environmental colours in virtual reality: Physiological arousal affected by lightness and hue. Royal Society Open Science, 10, 230432. (full text) ^shared first authorship

Banks, B., Borghi, A. M., Fargier, R., Fini, C., Jonauskaite, D., Mazzuca, C., Montalti, M., Villani, C., & Woodin, G. (2023). Consensus Paper: Current Perspectives on Abstract Concepts and Future Research Directions. Journal of Cognition, 6(1), 1–26. (full text)

Uusküla, M., Mohr, C., Epicoco, D., & Jonauskaite, D. (2023). Is Purple Lost in Translation? The Affective Meaning of Purple, Violet, and Lilac Cognates in 16 Languages and 30 Populations. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research., 52, 853–868, (full text)


Müller, L., Mohr, C., Cano, C., Camenzind, L., Soborun, Y., & Jonauskaite, D. (2022). A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Emotion Recognition and Qualitative Impressions of Armand Henrion’s Self-Portraits Displaying Mixed Emotions. Art & Perception, 10(4), 334-360. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., & Mohr, C. (2022). Color forum: Discussing color representations and implicit assumptions in Schloss et al’s (2020) study on conventional notions of color-emotion associations. Color Research & Application, 47(6), 1224-1228. (full text)


Jonauskaite, D., Thalmayer, A. G., Müller, L., & Mohr, C. (2021). What does your favourite colour say about your personality? Not much. Personality Science, 2, e6297. (full text)

Epicoco, D., Mohr, C., Uusküla, M., Quiblier, M., Bouayed Meziane, M., Laurent, E., & Jonauskaite, D. (2021). Making sense of free associations with PURPLE – A new coding scheme testing French speakers in three countries. AIC 2021 proceedings, Milan, Italy. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Sutton, A., Cristianini, N., & Mohr, C. (2021). English colour terms carry gender and valence biases: A corpus study using word embeddings. PLoS ONE, 16(6), e0251559. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Camenzind, L., Parraga, C. A., Diouf, C. N., Mercapide Ducommun, M., Müller, L., Norberg, M., & Mohr, C. (2021). Colour-emotion associations in individuals with red-green colour blindness. PeerJ, 9, e11180. (full text)


Jonauskaite, D., Abu-Akel, A.,^ Dael, N.,^ Oberfeld, D.,^ Abdel-Khalek, A.M., Al-Rasheed, A.S., Antonietti, J.-P., Bogushevskaya, V., Chamseddine, A., Chkonia, E., Corona, V., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Griber, Y., Grimshaw, G., Hassan, A.A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., Karlsson, B.S.A., Laurent, E., Lindeman, M., Marquardt, L., Mefoh, P., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Pérez-Albéniz, A., Pouyan, N., Roinishvili, M., Romanyuk, L., Salgado Montejo, A., Schrag, Y., Sultanova, A., Uusküla, M., Vainio, S., Wąsowicz, G., Zdravković, S., Zhang, M., and Mohr, C. (2020). Universal patterns in color-emotion associations are further shaped by linguistic and geographic proximity. Psychological Science, 31(10), 1245-1260. (full text) ^shared second authorship

Mohr, C., & Jonauskaite, D. (2020). From then to now – from now to then: Contemporary research in affective colour psychology might inform research on affective colour meaning in ancient Greek and Roman writings. In K. Ierodiakonou & P. Derron (Eds.), Colour Psychology in the Graeco-Roman World (pp. 347–370). Geneva: Fondation Hardt. (full text)

Ram, V., Schaposnik, L. P., Konstantinou, N., Volkan, E., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Manav, B., Jonauskaite, D., & Mohr, C. (2020). Extrapolating continuous color emotions through deep learning. Physical Review Research, 2(3), 033350. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Dael, N., Parraga, C. A., Chèvre, L., García-Sánchez, A. & Mohr, C. (2020). Stripping #The Dress: The importance of contextual information on inter-individual differences in colour perception. Psychological Research, 84(4), 851-865. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Tremea, I., Bürki, L., Diouf, C. N., & Mohr, C. (2020). To see or not to see: Importance of color perception for the effectiveness to color therapy. Color Research & Application, 45(3), 450-464.

Jonauskaite, D., Parraga, C. A., Quiblier, M., & Mohr, C. (2020). Feeling blue or seeing red? Similar pattern of emotion associations with colour patches and colour terms. iPerception, 11(1), 1-24. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D. & Mohr, C. (2020). A commentary: The sun is no fun without rain: Reply to “The sun and how do we feel about the color yellow? Methodological concerns”. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 67, 101379.​1016/​j.​jenvp.​2019.​101379 (full text)


Jonauskaite, D., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Abu-Akel, A., Al-Rasheed, A. S., Antonietti, J.-P., Ásgeirsson, Á. G., Atitsogbe, K. A., Barma, M., Barratt, D., Bogushevskaya, V., Bouayed Meziane, M. K., Chamseddine, A., Charernboom, T., Chkonia, E., Ciobanu,T., Corona Cabrera, V., Creed, A., Dael, N., Daouk, H., Dimitrova, N., Doorenbos, C. B., Fomins, S., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Gaspar, A., Gizdic, A., Griber, Y. A., Grimshaw, G. M., Hasan, A. A., Havelka, J., Hirnstein, M., Karlsson, B. S., Jejoong, K., Konstantinou, N., Laurent, E., Lindeman, M., Manav, B., Marquardt, L., Mefoh, P., Mroczko-Wąsowicz, A., Mutandwa, P., Muthusi, S., Ngabolo, G., Oberfeld, D., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Perchtold, C. M., Pérez-Albéniz, A., Pouyan, N., Rashid Soron, T., Roinishvili, M., Romanyuk, L., Salgado Montejo, A., Sultanova, A., Tau, R., Uusküla, M., Vainio, S., Vargas, V., Volkan, E., Wąsowicz, G., Zdravković, S., Zhang, M., & Mohr, C. (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Natural environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, 101350. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Wicker, J., Mohr, C., Dael, N., Havelka, J., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Zhang, M., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). A machine learning approach to quantify the specificity of colour-emotion associations and their cultural differences. Royal Society Open Science, 6(9), 190741. (full text)

Griber, Y., Jonauskaite, D., & Mohr, C. (2019). Цвета эмоций: экспериментальное исследование ассоциативных связей в современном русском языке [Colors of emotions: experimental investigation of associative connections in the contemporary Russian language]. Litera, 8(1), 69-86. (full text)       

Jonauskaite, D., Althaus, B., Dael, N., Dan-Glauser, E., & Mohr, C. (2019). What color do you feel? Color choices are driven by mood. Color Research & Application, 44(2), 272-284. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Dael, N., Chèvre, L., Althaus, B., Tremea, A., Charalambides, L. & Mohr, C. (2019). Pink for girls, red for boys, and blue for both genders: Colour preferences in children and adults. Sex Roles, 80(9), 630-642. (full text)

Before 2019

Mohr, C., Jonauskaite, D., Dan-Glauser, E. S., Uusküla, M., & Dael, N. (2018). Unifying research on colour and emotion: Time for a cross-cultural survey on emotion associations with colour terms. In L. W. MacDonald, C. P. Biggam, & G. V Paramei (Eds.), Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, language, and beyond (pp. 209–222). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (full text)

Jonauskaite, D., Mohr, C., Antonietti, J. P., Spiers, P., Althaus, B., Anil, S. & Dael, N. (2016). Most and least preferred colours differ according to object context: New insights from unrestricted colour range. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0152194.

Dael, N., Perseguers, M.-N., Marchand, C., Antonietti, J.-P., & Mohr, C. (2015). Put on that colour, it fits your emotion: Colour appropriateness as a function of expressed emotion. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(8), 1619–1630.

Dael, N., Sierro, G., & Mohr, C. (2013). Affect-related synesthesias: A prospective view on their existence, expression and underlying mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 754.