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Déborah Epicoco and Domicele Jonauskaite at PICS 2022

After two years of waiting due to COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that Déborah Epicoco and Dr Domicele Jonauskaite will be present at the Progress in Colour Studies Conference, held at Tallinn University (Estonia). PICS is close to our hearts because it provides a forum for discussion of recent and ongoing research and brings colour scholars from different disciplines together.

They will both present their work on colour and emotion associations. Domicele will give us an overview of where the work on colours and emotions, with a talk named “Colours and Emotions: What have we learned so far and what’s next? “. Déborah will have the opportunity to talk about her main thesis subject, in a talk called “What do we think about colours? Coding free associations with colour terms “, also showing what could be next in the field.

Not only is Domicele one of the co-chairs of the conference, but she will also chair the “meet-the-editors” session. Déborah will have the opportunity to chair a session for the first time, on the linguistics of basic colour terms. You can find the full program here.

Déborah Epicoco